Preventive Medicine News
What is Preventive Medicine News ?
Preventive Medicine News is a magazine providing information on designing the environment of cells in the body. This magazine shares expertise on the theory of Cellular Environmental Design advocated By Yamada Toyofumi, a director of the Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute. From its inauguration in 1989, it has continued to offer readers the best methods to promote health through maximum cellular performance. In today’s society, health information and received wisdom concerning food are widespread, but often wrong. In such times as these, why not keep copies of Preventive Medicine News in every home and office?

1. This Month’s Topic
One cell, in itself, is a precious living organism. We, humans, are built from those cells. Therefore, only our cells, not doctors or medicines, can prevent or cure our physical and mental disorders. The monthly article will discuss the concept of Cellular Environmental Design, and the latest research and opinions on nutrition worldwide. In today’s world, misinformation about food and health overflows. However, there is no need to be afraid as long as you learn the basic method: to think from “a cell’s standpoint.”
Let’s explore the wisdom of Cellular Environmental Design, how proper medicine should be!
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2. The Story of 60 Trillion Cells
Like the movie Fantastic Voyage, let’s embark on an expedition, following a cell’s viewpoint, to see the vital activities going on inside our cells on ordinary days or in times of sickness. Try to see the condition at the level of the smallest human unit, a cell, which rarely crosses our minds, and what do you think you will see?
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3. A Meal Cooked with Love Makes Cells Happy
Daily meals are essential to maintain a healthy body. What should we eat, and what nutrients do we need? Listen to what the 60 trillion cells making up your body have to say. As you know, we are what we eat. When we don’t feel well, the best treatment is to ask and communicate with our cells. This section will share recipes you can use to cook a loving meal for your cells. Cells are changing quickly every day. Why not start now with a meal that can make those cells happy?
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4. Children Are at Risk / Advice for Protecting Our Children’s Future
Children are far more vulnerable to toxic elements than adults. In the first six months of life, children are exposed to 30% of the contamination they will encounter over their entire lifetime: pesticides, environmental hormones, radioactive materials, trans fats, toxic minerals, and other contaminants. Modern society is filled with many different poisons. All children can be geniuses at the time of their birth. However, adults’ ignorance of these poisons may prevent children from fulfilling their potential.
Our target readers are fathers who will help raise children, grandparents who will watch children grow up, mothers currently raising children, and women who are planning to have children. We hope this series of articles will instill in all readers a sense of responsibility to protect children from these hazards.
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In addition to the above, this magazine includes a range of content:
5. Doctors’ Holistic Everyday Lives
This section presents an article recounting the holistic daily lives of doctors who are active in various fields. Each doctor passes the baton to the next doctor.
6. Mineral Fasting Q&A
We answer questions from readers regarding Yamada-style Mineral Fasting, which is the main feature of the Yamada-style Health Program.
7. Nine Maestros and 36 Friends
“Nine maestros and 36 friends” share their expertise on the Yamada-style Health Program! With them by your side, your life will change dramatically.
8. Recent News
We keep you up to date on the latest health news from the world.
※We are currently not accepting annual subscriptions as the magazine is suspended.