About Us
Company Profile
Company Name | Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute Co., Ltd. |
Location | 809 Tsukinuke-cho, Sanjyo-agaru, Kamaza-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8272 Japan |
Director | Yamada Toyofumi |
Established | September 21, 1988 |
Capital | 10 million yen |
Employees | 20 people (as of the end of April 2023) |
Businesses | Operation of Kyorin Academy; Management of hair mineral analysis testing; Management of self-administered fatty acid blood testing; Lectures and educational activities on Cellular Environmental Design; Screening and development of health food products |
Affiliate Company | NU SCIENCE Co., Ltd.; Japan Association of Life-giving Nurture of Infants; Life Sciences Academy |
Main Bank | The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd., Omiya branch; Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank, Head office |
- –2000
September 1984 Yamada Toyofumi establishes the predecessor of the Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute and initiates a research project focusing on the crucial role of minerals in preventing lifestyle-related diseases and other illnesses. He aims to raise public awareness about health.
He creates a partnership with an American institute, Doctor’s Data, Inc., which certifies him as a “Certified Instructor of Hair Mineral Analysis.”
He introduces a mineral analysis technique using hair samples before it is available at other institutes and establishes a health management system for preventive medicine.October 1984 Yamada creates a partnership with Miller Pharmacal Group, Inc., and America Nutrition (B.O. Okada U.S.A., Inc.) and starts a private import business of mineral supplements. April 1986 The first lecture, titled “Modern Preventive Medicine,” is held, and Yamada begins a program of inviting Japan’s most advanced researchers and hosting lectures and seminars on modern preventive medicine in Kyoto and throughout the nation. February 1989 Yamada starts publishing the monthly magazine Preventive Medicine News. March 1989 The magazine Modern Preventive Medicine, Basic Course is published in-house. October 1990 Yamada begins writing a serialized article in Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun, a daily newspaper for elementary school students and their parents published by The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. October 1991 Yamada presents a paper on joint research conducted with the Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Medical College to the Japanese Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. December 1991 Yamada attends the International Magnesium Conference in India. April 1992 A regularly scheduled lecture, “Modern Preventive Medicine,” begins in Tokyo. October 1993 Yamada begins a new serial in Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun. March 1994 Yamada publishes a book with Kokudosha Co., Ltd. August 1994 Yamada starts a new serial in Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun. November 1994 Yamada attends the International Magnesium Conference in Spain. December 1997 Yamada contributes to a book edited by Shichida Makoto, the founder of Shichida Educational Institute, Inc. February 1998 Yamada publishes a book with Sogo Horei Publishing Co., Ltd. April 1998 Dr. Itokawa Yoshinori, professor emeritus at Kyoto University, is appointed as an advisor. (Currently, he is an honorary advisor.) September 2000 Yamada publishes a book with Sogo Horei Publishing Co., Ltd.
- –2010
April 2001 Yamada becomes a lecturer of the training course for health instructors sponsored by the HEALTH SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, a U.S. nonprofit corporation. January 2003 Yamada publishes a book with ascom inc. February 2003 Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute starts organizing the regular seminar, named “Kyorin 21 no Kai” in Japanese and currently called “Cellular Environmental Design.” June 2003 A new business is launched to support clients interested in fasting and to provide fasting opportunities for them. A hotel in Kobe city serves as the venue for the fasting programs. October 2003 The company moves to the current office building: Tsuchinuki-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City. April 2005 Yamada becomes a lecturer at Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts where he teaches classes. June 2005 The company creates a partnership with La Belle Vie Laboratory Inc. to expand an existing business of hair mineral analysis testing. October 2005 Yamada conducts a seminar at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. April 2006 Yamada publishes a book with SHINCHOSHA Publishing Co., Ltd. June 2007 Yamada publishes a book with ascom inc. April 2008 Yamada establishes the “YMF study group,” which is later renamed “Japan Mineral Fasting Association (JMFA).” October 2008 Yamada publishes a book with DAIWASHOBO. November 2008 Linda Pauling, daughter of Dr. Linus Pauling, is appointed as a special advisor. January 2009 Yamada publishes a book with Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd. March 2009 Yamada gives a special class at the Chihli Institute of Technology in Taiwan. March 2009 Yamada delivers a lecture at the Psychiatry Symposium organized by the Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI). May 2009 Yamada delivers a lecture on mineral fasting in Sao Paulo, Brazil. September 2009 Yamada makes a proposal on the issue of trans-fatty acids to the Cabinet and Mizuho Fukushima, the former Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety. March 2010 Yamada presents the problems related to milk in school lunches to Daisuke Kadokawa, the mayor of Kyoto.
He publishes a book with Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd.
- –2020
May 2011 Yamada promotes “Cellular Environmental Design.” July 2011 Yamada publishes a book with GENTOSHA INC. March 2012 Yamada publishes a book with Sunmark Publishing, Inc. October 2012 Yamada contributes an article to a book published by Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd. December 2012 Yamada publishes a book with Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd. 2013 Yamada publishes a study on mineral fasting. February 2013 Yamada publishes a book with Gendai Shorin Publishers co., ltd. June 2013 Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute Academy, commonly known as Kyorin Academy is established. March 2014 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. June 2014 Yamada attends an academic conference for research on alternative medicine and natural treatments held in Cuba. August 2014 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. September 2014 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. December 2014 Yamada discusses the nutrition problems of school lunches with Yokoyama Yufu, a councilor of Okazaki city in Aichi. Following the discussion, Yokoyama presents the issue to the government. The next year, Okazaki city decides to stop using margarine in school lunches. February 2015 Yamada co-authors a book with Funase Sgunsuke which is published by SANGOKAN SHINSYA. March 2015 Yamada publishes a book with Kosaido Publishing. April 2015 Yamada meets Kadokawa Daisaku, the mayor of Kyoto city, and proposes improvements to school lunches. September 2015 Akasaka Freude Clinic opens in Akasaka, Tokyo. Yamada becomes a leading advisor. February 2016 Yamada publishes a book with Yama-kei Publishers co., Ltd. April 2016 Yamada publishes a book with Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd. October 2016 Yamada gives a lecture at the sixth general assembly and lecture session organized by a dental study group. January 2017 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. June 2017 Yamada publishes a book with KIRASIENNE Inc. November 2017 Kyorin Academy holds the first “Cellular Environmental Design Clinical Discussion.” February 2018 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc.
Yamada becomes president of the Japan Association of Lipid Nutrition for Infants (JALNI).December 2018 Kyorin Academy holds the second “Cellular Environmental Design Clinical Discussion.” February 2019 Yamada publishes a book with Kyoeishobo.
JALNI is incorporated and begins activities as a general incorporated association.March 2019 Yamada delivers a lecture at an event subsidized by Amami City. May 2019 Yamada publishes a book with Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd. July 2019 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. January 2020 Yamada publishes a book with Kyoeishobo. February 2020 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. July 2020 Yamada publishes a book with Taiyohtosho. September 2020 Yamada publishes a book with Kyoeishobo. December 2020 Yamada publishes a book with TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc.
April 2021 | Establishing the Kyorin Acoustic Medicine Laboratory, Yamada officially starts researching music therapy and developing acoustic equipment. |
June 2021 | Yamada introduces Yamada-style dietary education and Yamada-style music education to KORITS KINDERGARTEN and MIYANOMORI KINDERGARTEN in Sapporo (Mr. Kensuke Tanaka, Chief director). |
August, September 2021 | Having a meeting with Mr. Kenichi Minamide, a mayor of Izumiotsu city, Osaka, Yamada discusses reforming the school lunch and social system. |
April 2022 | Offered a lecture on food and nutrition education for guardians of students who go to Ritsumeikan Keisho Primary School (Kensuke Tanaka, Chief director, in Sapporo) and other schools. |
June 2022 | JALNI changes its official name to “Japan Association of Life-giving Nurture of Infants.” |
August 2022 | Obtained a patent for the audio equipment Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute has developed (Patent No. 7109135) |
October 2022 | Published the book titled “脳に効く!「聞こえない音」と「見えない光」” (published by Kyoeishobo) |
April 2023 | Supervised the publication of the magazine-style book titled “老化を止める。保存版” (published by TAKARAJIMASHA) |
May 2023 | Yamada Tomoyo has started her role as a researcher at the Kyorin Preventive Medicine Institute. |
June 2023 | Celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the founding of Kyorin Academy. |
October 2023 | Published the supervised book titled “老化が止まる食事術”(published by TAKARAJIMASHA). Kyorin Academy has conducted a combined total of its 100 intermediate and advanced courses. |
April 2024 | Supervised the publication of the magazine-style book titled "頭をよくする食事術" (published by TAKARAJIMASHA). Held a special event in Tokyo, featuring the first collaborative lecture by Director Yamada and Yamada Tomoyo, M.D. Yamada Tomoyo, M.D. began providing online outpatient consultations at the "りんどうオンライ ンクリニック (Rindou Online Clinic)." |
June 2024 | Supervised the publication of the magazine-style book titled "「老けない体」をつくる 食べ方+暮らし方" (published by Taiyotosho). |
November 2024 | Published the first book by Yamada Tomoyo, M.D., titled "医師が教える“最強の予防医学”" (published by Kyoeishobo). |

Address: 809 Tsukinuke-cho, Sanjyo-agaru, Kamaza-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
●By Car/Taxi: | Approx. 15 minutes from JR Kyoto station. When you take a taxi, please ask the driver to go up Kamaza street at “Sanjyo Kamanza.” |
●By Train: | Approx. 5 minutes from Exit 6 of Karasuma Oike Station on the Karasuma Subway Line/Tozai Subway Line. After exiting the station, walk south then turn west at the first street, at the corner of which is Starbuck Café. Continue and turn north at the fifth street, Kamaza-dori. |
*Either way, it takes approximately 15 minutes from the JR Kyoto station.